Request a Binkeez
To ensure Binkeez for Comfort® blankets reach those fighting illnesses away from the comforts of home, we only gift to those who are actively in care of a hospital or other healthcare facility. Eligible requests may be submitted by a parent, family member and/or legal guardian of the blanket recipient. Fabrics and blanket sizes are chosen by Binkeez for Comfort® based on the information provided in the Binkeez for Comfort® Request Form provided below.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Resident of the United States of America.
2. Newborn to 18 years of age.
3. Must be inpatient in the hospital, in active treatment for life threatening illness or hospice care.
4. If support page not available for confirmation of above, a medical professional treating child must email confirmation of eligibility to
Please take a moment to complete the Binkeez for Comfort® Request Form. If a Request Form is incomplete, a Team Binkeez member may contact you to ensure eligibility. Placing a request for a Binkeez blanket is free.
However, though Binkeez for Comfort® would like to be able to eventually fill all requests, at this time Binkeez for Comfort® can only donate a certain number of un-sponsored blankets per month. If the number of un-sponsored blankets has exceeded our monthly limits and your request qualifies as eligible, your blanket request may be placed on our hold list and sent out during the first week of the following month provided the recipient is still otherwise eligible. If the intake form is not active please come back and visit us on the 1st of the month when we will be accepting new requests.
In the meantime, if you, a friend and/or family member would like to sponsor a blanket for a chosen recipient, please click here and upon receipt of the sponsorship donation, we will promptly get your sponsored Binkeez for Comfort® blanket made and delivered.
Please take a moment to complete the Binkeez for Comfort® Request Form below: